Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The relativity help document is under the toolkit below.

Also, here is a video on typing in the velocity equation onto a calculator for Day 2 problem 2.
L = 35
Lo = 82
and, of course, c = 3X10^8

Columbia University Professor Brian Greene will be teaching two courses on Special Relativity (what we're learning) via World Science U - a "compelling new online platform for learning science."  

Take a look here

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

This post is meant primarily for North House.  Behold, #1-3 on the mock test, worked out and laid before you in their glory.  Thank you Alejandro Espinoza for being awesome and working these out.





This formula can help you solve for velocity when given both T's or both L's.

The math behind finding the formula, which is what you're doing every time you solve by hand for velocity.

- Carlos Cerrillos

Monday, February 17, 2014

Here are a few (#2,4,5,7,8,9) worked out problems from the physics textbook, as well as Adrian's Master Equation (which is just the L = Lo/gamma equation that Pitman gave us on the worksheet but clarified and renamed).  Fear not!  



Adrian's Master Equation